Friday, August 30, 2013

Tatkala tanganNya menggenggam tanganku

Petang itu. Bunyi televisyen mengisi suasana rumah. Rancangan yang diminati ditonton oleh ku. Kakak ku sibuk dengan komputer ribanya. Tenang rasanya petang itu. Bersenang rehat sambil minum kopi yang masih panas.

Jam menunjukkan hampir ke jam 6 petang. Telefon rumah berdering. Kakak ku segera menjawab. Suara pemanggil kedengaran. Namun samar pada pendengaranku.

Selesai bercakap. Kakak ku sambil tangannya menggapai kunci kereta serta telefon bimbitnya memberitahu ku bapaku kemalangan dalam perjalanan pulang ke rumah dan kakak ku meminta ku mencari ibu ku yang berada di rumah jiran untuk memberitahunya perihal itu.

Aku panik. Tidak keruan.

Perumahan teres yang mempunyai dua blok sahaja membolehkan aku mencari ibu ku dengan mudah. Kedengaran suaranya berbual dengan jiran. Aku segera menuju kearah suaranya. Sebaik melihat ibu ku aku terus memaklumkan ibu ku. Kami segera kembali ke rumah. Ibu ku sudah tidak senang duduk. Lilin di altar rumah dinyalakan. Satu doa memohon keselamatan dan penyelamatan dilafazkan berulangkali.

Telefon berbunyi sekali lagi. Segeraku menjawab. Kakak ku di hujung talian. Memesanku untuk menyediakan kamera. Dia akan sampai ke rumah sebentar lagi. Aku menurut sahaja tidak mengetahui mengapa.

5 ke 8 minit kemudian kakak ku sampai. Segera aku dan ibu ku masuk ke perut kereta. Destinasi yang pasti adalah tempat bapa ku kemalangan.

Sesampainya di sana hari semakin gelap. Kawasan kemalangan dikerumuni manusia. Aku tidak melihat bapa ku. Ini membuatku semakin resah.

Ibuku melemah. Segera aku merangkul tangan dan pinggangnya. Mengiringinya mencari bapa ku. Kakak ku hilang di celah ramainya orang membawa kamera bersama.

Aku melihat dua orang lelaki berpakaian polis menjalankan siasatan. Wartawan akhbar yang berbangsa cina juga hadir sedang mengambil kenyataan dari mereka yang menjadi saksi sambil mengambil gambar keadaan kereta dari pelbagai sudut.

Semakin kami mendekat aku terlihat kelibat bapa ku di tengah-tengah kerumunan orang. Sedang mengambil gambar menggunakan telefon bimbit Nokia lama nya. Aku melihat bapa ku dalam keadaan baik-baik sahaja. Tiada tempang, tiada luka, tiada darah. Aku bersyukur.

Sebaik sahaja mataku melihat keadaan kereta yang dipandu bapaku tubuhku terasa bergegar kuat. Lututku melemah. Namun aku harus kuat demi menyokong tubuh ibuku terasa sudah lemah tidak mampu berdiri. Sambil menahan sebak aku mengajak ibu ku kearah bapa ku. Menemukan mereka berdua. Ibu ku mula mengalirkan air mata. Melihat keadaan kereta yang dipandu bapaku. Perodua Kembara milik syarikat bapa ku bekerja.

*Kembara itu rebah ke jalan diantara persimpangan empat laluan ke lapangan terbang. Cermin sebelah pemandu pecah. Cermin sisi patah. Bapa ku memanjat keluar dari kereta melalui pintu sebelah pemandu tanpa sebarang kecederaan.

Kereta yang melanggarnya, Myvi berwarna merah tersasar dari jalan dan melanggar lampu trafik. Keadaannya teruk sekali. Bahagian depan kereta merah itu langsung hancur mujur tidak terbakar. Pemandu kereta merah tersebut kelihatan marah-marah sedangkan yang bersalah adalah dia sendiri. Namun aku faham mengapa. Penumpangnya adalah isterinya sendiri yang sedang mengandung entah berapa bulan.

Syukur tiada kemalangan jiwa.

Malam itu kami semua tidak seceria seperti biasanya. Hambatan kejutan menerima berita petang tadi masih terkesan di hati masing-masing. Kerisauan keatas bapaku masih menyelubungi jiwa. Doa syukur bergema di hati masing-masing. Tidur tidak lena. Namun dalam kegelisahan tersebut akhirnya semua melenakan diri dengan harapan perkara sebegini tidak terjadi lagi.

Syukur kepada yang Maha Kuasa atas lindungan yang diberi kepada bapaku ucapku dalam lena.


Aku berada disuatu tempat. Melihat ke kananku, aku melihat bapaku. Dia memegang tanganku kemas. Kami berjalan memasuki sebuah tempat yang kelihatan seperti sebuah pasar. Ramainya orang di situ. Bersesak-sesak. Dalam kesesakan aku terlepas dari pegangan tangan bapaku. Aku terpisah dari bapa. Aku memandang ke sekeliling. Aku mencarinya. Di suatu permulaan tangga bangunan terbina dari tanah aku melihatnya mula menaiki tangga tersebut. Aku berkejar kearah situ dalam kesesakan. Aku menapak menaiki tangga namun aku terlewat. Kelibatnya langsung aku tidak terlihat lagi. Aku panik. Aku risau. Bapa dimana keberadaan mu. Aku berlari menuruni tangga dan mencuba melihat keatas dari bawah dengan harapan aku boleh mencarinya. Namun hampa.

Aku kehilangan bapa. Jantungku berdegup kencang. Aku tidak tenteram. Aku tertunduk lemah.

Aku hampir menangis apabila aku merasakan tiba-tiba tangan kiriku dipegang kemas oleh tangan yang besar sedikit dari tanganku. Seperti suatu renjatan kesenangan dan ketenangan yang ku terima mengalir dari tangan itu mengalir terus ke jiwa dan hati yang risau. Pantas aku mengangkat kepala dan melihat ke kiri. Lelaki berpakaian putih bercahaya namun wajahnya tidak kelihatan sedang memegang tanganku kejap secara lembut membimbingku keluar dari kesesakan manusia. Kesesakan beransur menghilang. Persekitaran semakin mencerah. Langkahku seiring dengan dia yang membimbing sepanjang perjalanan. Kehairanan bertamu di fikiran. Siapakah orang ini? Mengapa aku menurut sahaja langkahnya? Bagaimana dan dimana pula bapaku yang telah menghilang dikesesakan tadinya?

Pada masa yang sama. Kerisauan dan kegalauan ku hilang semerta. Damainya jiwa ku rasakan. Demi sahaja aku memandang ke hadapanku semula. Aku melihat rumput padang yang hijau. Jiwaku semakin tenang melihat semua itu. Saat aku melihat ke kiri lagi…..


Aku membuka mataku. Aliran ketenangan yang ku alami tadi masih terasa. Aku terasa senang. Jiwaku damai. Apakah erti mimpi ku tadi. Aku keluar dari kamarku. Melihat keluargaku sedang minum pagi. Keceriaan kembali menyinari. Aku tersenyum. Senang melihat semua itu.

Bagaikan bisikan aku mendengar, “Usahlah resah, Aku akan sentiasa ada untuk melindungi dan menjaga.”

Maka fahamlah aku apa yang aku alami sebentar tadi. Dia yang berkuasa telah hadir ke setiap kami memberi kedamaian.

Syukur kepada Allah.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Bisaya Tradition & Religion

          In Bisaya community some of them are Islamic believer because of marriage or changes of believes. The majorities of Bisaya in Limbang are Christian believer and some still practice their forefather believes and tradition.
          Although  Bisayan respect their forefather culture and tradition in medicine, marriage and death, actually it is rarely practice nowadays. This probably because of they followed their religion teaching. Shaman and midwife(bidan) still can be contact when needed but today communities prefer more to go to the nearest clinic for treatment. This probably because they have learned and modernized them self and also because of modern medication and treatment exposure which is safer and trusted. Who knows if you are allergic of the shaman medication. Instead of getting healthy you might worsen your condition. Your choice.. ;)

Bisaya Community

Leaders of Bisaya community..(not updated)

TEMENGGONG : Mr. Enjan O.K Yassau - Kpg. Ukong, Limbang
PEMANCA         : Mr. Wilfred Yussin Bunjok - Kpg. Pengkalan Madang, Limbang
PENGHULU       : Mr. Eyum Ak Larik - Kpg. Ukong, Limbang
                            : Mr. Kebin Penghulu Matali - Kpg. Lembuak, Limbang

Leaders of Bisaya Community Village Lists
  • Kpg. Lubok Lasas - Mr. Nangkat Ak Yalak
  • Kpg. Kuala Tubai/Ukong/Belimbing - Mr. Peter Kulai Larik
  • Kpg. Tanjong Riman - Mr. Madup Ak Kating
  • Kpg. Tanjong Unggar - (unspecified)
  • Kpg. Tanjong - Mr. Sidok Ak Lila
  • Kpg. Bawang Obor/Bukit Mangan - Mr. Nawa Ak Tunjong
  • Kpg. Pengkalan Gurah - Mr. Doming Ak Keduit
  • Kpg. Indug Sangkar - Mr. Doyok Ak Sulok
  • Kpg. Ranggu - Mr. Kimbing Ak Manai
  • Kpg. Lubok Bidai - Mr. Yasau Ak Yakut
  • Kpg. Pengkalan Jawa - Mr. Yatak Ak Timbang
  • Kpg. Pengkalan Madang - Mr. Manang Ak Tingkat
  • Kpg. Limpasong - Mr. Bakar Ak Yajak 
  • Kpg. Batu Danau - Mr. Dominic Madai Tingkat
  • Kpg. Paya Mengaliong - Mr. Sungkai Ak Lila
  • Kpg. Buluh Balui - Mr. Tunjang Labon
  • Kpg. Anak Tuno - Mr. Jude Julai Tikas
  • Kpg. Pandak - Mr. Pangkat Ak Manggong
  • Kpg. Tedungan - Mr. Yugong Ak Tunggal
  • Kpg. Terumba - Mr. Larik Ak Laki
  • Kpg. Braong/Bambangan - Mr. Tangga Ak Panchar
  • Kpg. Bidang - Mr. Lukong Ak Simpok
  • Kpg. Medait - Mr. T.K Sidop B. Sulaiman
  • Kpg. Lembuak - Mr. Lukong Ak Timbang
  • Kpg. Kuala Awang - Mr. Hj. Narak B Jaya
  • Kpg. Ulu Merasam - Mr. Kamis Apong
There we have a total of 26 village with their leaders.. ;) i believe they have done a very good job as a village leader...keep it up dear leaders...this list i get in year 2009 so i'm not sure if there is some of the leaders has change...

I live in LIMBANG

Hai...have u ever heard of a place name Limbang? If u do, good for u..hehe..for those who doesn't don't be sad..i will tell u..basically Limbang is situated between Brunei and Limbang is actually under Sarawak government and not Brunei..Yes!! I am a Malaysian..don't believe me??? check the map... shorten things up.. my YCS brothers came to Limbang few weeks boyfriend who is my schoolmate and who is my brother's friend invited him to come to my visit of course..too bad i forgot to bring him to check the Limbang apologies my friend...myb next time, okay?? to conclude here is his link of his blog for will know how he feels about reading his blog i believe he had fun..especially when he became our house cook..what a bad house guest i am right?? apologies my friend... credit to his blog... check it out!!

OLD COINS....ever heard the value????

yesterday at work i was reading on blogs..when i found very amusing facts of old coins..hahaha..never knew how precious these little coins are especially when it comes to the u know that on certain years stated on the coins there is some great value of the coins??? yep...there is..i just knew about it..after searching the web...i found it...hahaha..then unknowingly i went to check if have those coins in my pringles...hehehehehe...yeah..i use pringles box to replace my piggy bank..i found several coins 5 cent, 10cents and 20 cents...dated 1967...which is the first year of coins producing....will find more after this..but 1967 coins has not much value as 1971 10cents..because only 32,000++ only been produce that year...will update u of why it is...before that i just wanna go through all my coins case i overlook the 1971 10cent coin...hehehehe

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Bisaya Gong Orchestra


Several writers or scholars have touched on the Bisaya music. Davis (1960) once described the Bisayas of Limbang music as bearing the same feature that found in Armenia. Limbang Bisayas are great music lovers. The gongs can be found in every house (Hussain & Newton: 1987), Asmah (1983), and Bewsher (1985) claim that Bisayas are supposed to be the best gong musicians in Sarawak (see also Punchak, 1989). Full Bisaya gong orchestras of nineteen pieces used to be shipped to Kuching for major state occasions in pre-war days (Bewsher, 1958).
Despite all these remarks and unlike the Anding (song) and Alai Anding (dance) which have become more or less the trademark for the Bisayas, the music played by the Gong Orchestra has never been made well known or promoted to the public, except in Bisaya villages (kampung) which are mainly found in Limbang, Sarawak. It is to be noted that the Bisaya settling in Padang Kerabau, Marudi, Long Linai and Long Terawan of Baram are also said to still have the Gong Orchestra skill, but little records or contacts have been made with them.

The Instruments
A complete set of the orchestra would include the following:
i. Dumbak
ii. Bebandil
iii. Agong (gong)
iv. Tawak
v. Kalantangan/Gulingtangan

i. Dumbak

The dumbak (drum) is made of from hollow-log and covered at both ends with animal skin, usually, of a monitor lizard or lagatan (Puncak, 1989). The sound of the dumbak is produced by hitting the skin. In Gong Orchestra, the dumbak player controls the beat of types of gandang played.

ii. Bebandil

One set of bebandil consists of two types of bebandil, namely one taritik and two bandils. The bebandil is normally played by two players, although there are people who can play it single-handedly. If compared with modern orchestra/band, the bebandil assume the role of rhythm guitar.

iii. Agong (Gong)

The Gong Orchestra has two sets of gongs. It is normally played by two persons.

iv. Tawak

The tawak is played with one set of two tawaks, namely tawak indu and tawak anak with two different purposes. The tawak anak will produce ngembua sound (literally means propose, ask) and tawak indu produces peningkul sound (literally, reply/answer). It is played by two players. Tawak if compared to modern orchestra, plays the role of bass guitar.

v. Kalantangan/Gulintangan

One set of kalantangan has eight or nine pieces. It is played by one person and normally performs the “lead guitar role in the gong orchestra of the Bisayas
Types of Gandang/Tune
The types of tune or the melody played by the Gong Orchestra are many and depending on occasion or function it is played or required for. This includes celebration, marriages, deaths, birth and sickness (see Punchak, 1989). In other words, the type of gandang or tunes played signifies the occasion.
Some examples of tune played are as below
Events Gandang/Tune Remarks
Marriage Tagunggu Tune played when sending a bridegroom to the bride’s house for marriage (see Galis, Kathi 1990)
Happiness Encayau Expressing happiness or to celebrate success, etc.
War Parang Warrior war tune
i. Tuntung
ii. Tumpal Signify death and number of days for mourning period e.g. 3,7,14 or 40 days period (see Blandoi, 1990)
Emergency Panggil/Kukor To inform people/neighbour about births, death, serious illness, etc.
Harvest Festival (Temarok) or Curing Function (Belian) i. Parai Bayu
ii. Puruk Aru
iii. Lambat This occasion plays many tunes. Temarok normally done after harvesting season is over in the month of April, May or June

The Future Passing of Skills
Traditionally, the skill of playing the gong orchestra is acquired by informal training through listening the sound of music and playing the instruments. Currently, this practise is quite difficult to follow out due to modernization or changes that take place within the community and its environment, such as migration to towns (you cannot make too much noise for concern of neighbour who normally of other ethnic group), schooling (no children at home) and difficulties in obtaining the instruments.
It is quite difficult to get one complete or full set of instruments as it is normally divided (babagi rata) between the offspring of the owner once they passed away. In addition, the declining or diminishing of craftsmanship skills among the Bisayas does not help to solve the problem.
The Bisaya Association Sarawak is now working on ways as to how to conserve and develop the music culture of the Bisaya, particularly the gong orchestra. Creation of awareness and action through organizing of activities have resulted in various groups formed by villages (both the old and young) in various kampungs. Perhaps, a Bisaya Music Gala or Concert should be organised in the near future.
Conclusion : Contribution Towards National and State Culture
The gong orchestra, if promoted, could become another trademark and source of pride for Bisaya community, as well as the State of Sarawak and Malaysia as a whole. Its preservation and development would help to contribute and enrich further the cultural heritage of Sarawak in tandem with the idea of “confluence of rivers” and “unity in diversity” advocated by the state government leadership.
To date the Bisaya culture contributes little. If any at all, towards national or state culture. On rare occasions, Bisaya dance troupes do participate and perform at national and state level stage shows (Punchak, 1989). It is fervently hoped that the relevant authorities in the State (and Federal) could incorporate the Bisaya arts and culture, such as the Gong Orchestra, in their cultural-tourism promotion activities both locally or internationally. The Bisaya would love to contribute, as a partner (rumo) towards creating a harmonious diversity.
Asmah Hj. Omar (1983). The Malay People of Malaysia and their Languages. Kuala Lumpur, DBP
Bewsher, R.A. (1958) “The Bisaya Group” The Sarawak Gazette Dec. 31, No: 1210
Blandoi, J. (1990) “Upacara Kematian Masyarakat Bisaya” An Academic Exercise to obtain B.A. (Hons) in Anthropology & Sociology. UKM.
Davies, G.C. (1960) “Borneo Bisaya Music: In Western Ears” Sarawak Museum Journal Vol.9 No.15
Galis, Kathi (1990) Adat Perkahwinan Masyarakat Bisaya Sarawak, DBP
Hussain b. Jamil & Newton, J. (1987) “Limbang Bisaya: Society and Language” Sarawak Museum Journal.
Punchak, S.S. (1989) “Bisaya Ethnography: A Brief Report” Sarawak Museum Journal, Vol.XL
The Bisaya of Malaysia are located in western Sabah along the northern coast of Brunei Bay and also in northern Sarawak along the rivers which flow into Brunei Bay. Inhabiting the middle reaches of the Limbang River, they are often called “people of the middle” or “people of the river.”

The Bisayan culture and language are quite similar to that of the Sabah Dusun and related groups in Brunei and Sarawak. In fact, some believe that the culture area should be labeled Bisaya-Dusun. The Bisayan language, Basaya, is a part of the North Indonesian branch of the Austronesian language family.

The Bisaya in Malaysia live among the much larger Malay groups. However, local Malays are important to the Bisaya, as they supply them with buffalo, boats, seafood, and Malay medicines. Although they have borrowed some customs from surrounding peoples, the Muslim Bisaya remain culturally unique in their usage of them.

What Are Their Lives Like?
The Bisaya are primarily farmers, with rice being their staple crop. Chilies, maize, cucumbers, pumpkins, eggplant, and other vegetables are also grown. Fruit trees provide bananas, coconuts, and breadfruit. Fish is another important part of the Bisaya diet, as is the meat from wild pigs, deer, and pheasants. Women gather plants and jungle products for food, medicines, resin, and other supplies.

Bisaya villages are located along river banks, and each has a number of rice granaries. True Bisaya villages consist of permanent settlements of two or more houses, one of which is a “long house.” These rectangular structures are built on piles 10-15 feet above the ground. Each has a veranda for receiving guests and performing major ceremonies. Each long house also includes four or more apartments for family members.

The family members of a long house share house repairs, observe the same taboos, and share major rituals; however, in no other way do they act as a corporate group. On the other hand, the close-knit family members living in each apartment pool resources and share a common hearth, rituals, and prayers for crops.

First marriages among the Bisaya are usually arranged by the parents when the children are very young. Although polygyny (having multiple wives) exists among the wealthy, most men marry only one woman. Upon marrying, a couple moves either to the same apartment as one of their parents or to an apartment of a close kinsman in the same house as the parents. Only after the birth of the first child may a couple live in their own apartment. Divorces are obtained easily by both sexes, and the children of a divorce have a choice between parents.

The Bisaya celebrate various ceremonies throughout the year. The major agricultural ceremony is the harvest temorok, in which the wealthy contribute large amounts of food. The makan selamat is a health feast shared with the Malays as a preventative measure or as a thanksgiving feast at the ending of an epidemic.

What Are Their Beliefs?
Most Bisaya are Muslims, adhering to traditional Islamic practices and beliefs. Theirs is a religion of works based on the belief in one god, Allah. Their religious duties include praying five times a day, fasting, and giving alms to the poor.

About 9% of the Bisaya are animists, believing that non-human objects have spirits. Spirits of the dead are thought to appear at certain public ceremonies, and river spirits, tiger spirits, and sky spirits are also a part of their belief system. The dukun, or herbalist-curer, acts as a witch doctor. A spirit medium uses trances at public ceremonies to cure people. The Bisaya believe that disease is caused by “soul loss,” and it is the spirit medium’s job to retrieve that soul. They believe that souls of the dead go to one of seven villages that are located behind the sun.

What are their needs?
The Bisaya have few Christian resources available to them, and most of them have never had an opportunity to hear the Gospel. There is a real need for the Bible and evangelistic tools to be translated into their language. Prayer and further evangelism will be required to win the Bisaya to Christ.

Prayer Points
Ask the Lord of the harvest to send missionaries who will invest their lives in the Bisaya of Malaysia.
Ask the Holy Spirit to grant wisdom and favor to the missions agencies that are targeting the Bisaya.
Pray that the Bible, the Jesus film, and Christian radio broadcasts will soon be available to the Bisaya.
Pray that God will reveal Himself to the Bisaya through dreams and visions.
Pray that God will anoint the words of the Bisaya believers as they share Christ with their own people.
Take authority over the spiritual principalities and powers that are keeping the Bisaya bound.
Ask God to raise up prayer teams who will begin daily intercession for the Bisaya.
Ask the Lord to bring forth a triumphant Bisaya church for the glory of His name!

Thursday, October 7, 2010


Did you ever think or did you ever said that "How i wish i can turn back the time to change it and have a better life." I did. That is why i am sharing this poem with you. I did wish i can turn back the time but it won't come true. I know. I first knew about this poem back when I'm in secondary. It really gives me a big hit. Well because teachers often ask what do you want to be when you grow up? The answer were often the same. Police, soldier, nurse..Most common job for those in secondary i mean when I'm in secondary. But then when i learn about this poem n its mean it really give me a huge impact on how and who am i going to be. I have thought of being this and have this kind of job but then if it not working right as i have plan what am i going to do? I can't turn back the time. I can't start all over from the start point. I have to start somewhere in the middle where i can fix it which mean the lesson learn part and do more better. As the poet had say, i have to look down as far as i could to foresee where it bent. Choices of life that is important. That gives the impact of future life. Will it make a difference on me or you if we take the less traveled by or the other?? Of course and it depend on how you will travel the road. Some are winding wide, steep and high, sloppy or gravel. And i believes at the end of the road that will be choose has it own victory prizes that make me feel worth to travel the road. Till today this poem really gives me the effect to think thoroughly on my decision about my future road. So here is the poem that i love so much. Enjoy! :D

Illustration of Robert Frost poem

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim
Because it was grassy and wanted wear,
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I marked the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference. 

Poem Meaning :
You will always have choices in life that are tough, but you can only do one at a time. Frost says that he doubts he will ever get a chance to take the other road, and just like in real life, when you make a decision, you cant always go back and change it. You will also live wondering what the other choice may have brought you.